OPTIMA LIFEWAVE FOOD OPTIMIZATION SPRAY (8 oz Bottle): Spray One to Three sprays of the OPTIMA Food Spray over all food, drinks, supplements, western drugs, lotions, toothpaste or other compounds, topicals or inhalable–injectable materials. If the drug is contained within a plastic container, such as, a syringe or pen, then simply spray the plastic container on the outside with the Optima Spray and wait 5 minutes before using. Everything in the Universe, including western drugs, foods and supplements, are vibrating and are both receiving and emitting frequencies. The Optima Spray is emitting frequencies that can penetrate through the plastic but it takes a little bit longer than compared to just spraying the food/drinks which only requires a 2 minute time delay before full effect from the optima spray is achieved. Do this every time the drug is used because the SPIN nature of the compound will return to its previous rotational state within 6 to 12 hours after it was sprayed.